Education and Training

HealthHIV leverages a diverse and culturally-competent team to design and implement effective training content responsive to the capacity building needs of clinical, community-based, faith-based, and AIDS service organizations. HealthHIV provides:

  • Implementation of educational programming focused on performance improvement. HealthHIV understands the importance of organizational systems development and works with training participants to apply educational learning to ensure ongoing program and service improvement to build organizational sustainability.
  • Development and coordination of trainings based on adult learning principles. HealthHIV has developed Learning Communities and other training models to facilitate the collective learning and organizational development needed to support networks of services and care for vulnerable minority populations living with HIV.
  • Design of training curriculum responsive to the needs of end-users. HealthHIV’s trainings are developed using results from a formative research process that captures information about end-user’s training needs. Training curricula includes practical tools, resources, and models that can be adapted by organizations to meet programmatic or organizational needs.
  • Implementation of trainings using state-of-the art technology. HealthHIV has the capability to deliver trainings through web-based technology and innovative learning platforms. Trainings are interactive and conducted in real-time.

HealthHIV’s National HIV eLearning Training Center is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to support PS19-1904: Capacity Building Assistance for High-Impact HIV Prevention Program Integration. The program is designed to support the proposed federal initiative, Ending the HIV Epidemic in the US, by improving and strengthening the capacity of the nation’s HIV prevention workforce.

Sister to Sister: Take Control of Your Health – This blended course, developed for clinic-based providers to empower women to reduce their risk for acquiring HIV, entails a 60-minute, self-paced eLearning module developed by HealthHIV followed by a live, in-person or virtual classroom session hosted by CAI. Launched January 2022. – View More

HealthHIV Training Library

Touch Points in Community Health: Pan-Viral Testing and Linkage to Care in Emergency Departments and Urgent Care Centers

Join HealthHIV and expert panelists for an interactive live webinar to exchange ideas on opportunities and challenges of implementing pan-viral testing and linkage to care within Emergency Departments and Urgent Care Centers. Emergency medicine physicians will discuss the need for pan-viral (HIV, HBV, HCV, and STIs) testing and linkage to care in EDs and UCCs, and share evidence-based standards of care for pan-viral testing.

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The State of Aging in 2024

This webinar features initial key findings from the HealthHIV Fourth Annual State of Aging with HIV™ National Survey and expert faculty, including from the Administration for Community Living (ACL), the Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy of the Department of Health and Human Services, community organizations, and HealthHIV.

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Adapting HIV Treatment for People with Substance Use Disorder

In this activity, an expert discusses how to adapt HIV treatment for people with substance use disorders, exploring barriers to management, effective communication strategies, coordinating care with mental health and substance use treatment providers, and guideline recommendations for developing HIV care plans.

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HIV and Aging Webinar Series: Exploring Data and Engaging in Discussions of HIV, Aging and Housing

There is a growing significant need for affordable housing options that meet the needs of the aging population within the U.S. including people aging with HIV. This live webinar delved into the changing landscape of HIV with a presentation of the key findings from the HealthHIV State of Aging with HIV™ Third Annual National Survey primary health services research report.

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