About HealthHIV

Our mission

HealthHIV’s mission statement is to advance effective prevention, care, support, and health equity in HIV, HCV, LGBTQ health, and harm reduction by providing education, capacity building, health services research, and advocacy to organizations, communities and interprofessional healthcare teams.

CE Mission Statement

HealthHIV’s continuing education (CE) mission is to provide education to interprofessional healthcare teams that build skills, enhance strategies, increase performance, and ultimately, improve patient health outcomes in HIV, HCV, LGBTQ health, and harm reduction. As such, the target audience for the CME/CE activities HealthHIV develops are members of the interprofessional healthcare team (physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists, nurses) as well as other health professionals (social workers, care navigators, dentists, community health workers) and patients.

Who we are

HealthHIV is a national non-profit working with healthcare organizations, communities, and providers to advance effective HIV, HCV, STI and LGBTQ health care, harm reduction and health equity through education and training, technical assistance and capacity building, advocacy, communications, and health services research and evaluation.

HealthHIV leads the HealthHCV initiative, the National Center for Health Care Capacity Building, and the National Coalition for LGBTQ Health, as well as PleasePrepMe.org, AgingWithHIV.org, ReduceHarmDC.org, and the HIV Prevention Certified Provider (HIVPCP) Certification Program.

News Releases

Recent news from HealthHIV on its initiatives, programs, and coalitions.

Media Coverage

HealthHIV coverage in the media.

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