Providing PEP/PrEP in the Pharmacy Setting: Virginia Edition

This activity will focus on the specific protocols, details, and policies necessary for pharmacists practicing in Virginia to implement postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) and PrEP. Module 5 of Pharmacy PrEP Education: A “How To” Series Spanning Policy to Practice.

Providing PEP/PrEP in the Pharmacy Setting: A Comprehensive User Guide

This comprehensive electronic/downloadable monograph has been developed to specifically support the needs of pharmacists now challenged to come up to speed on guidelines and protocols for HIV preexposure and postexposure prophylaxis (PrEP and PEP). Module 2 of Pharmacy PrEP Education: A “How To” Series Spanning Policy to Practice.

Providing PEP/PrEP in the Pharmacy Setting: Nevada Edition

This activity will focus on the specific protocols, details, and policies necessary for pharmacists practicing in Nevada to implement postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) and PrEP. Module 3 of Pharmacy PrEP Education: A “How To” Series Spanning Policy to Practice.

Providing PEP/PrEP in the Pharmacy Setting: Oregon Edition

This activity will focus on the specific protocols, details, and policies necessary for pharmacists practicing in Oregon to implement postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) and PrEP. Module 4 of Pharmacy PrEP Education: A “How To” Series Spanning Policy to Practice.

After ARVs

Has the dawn of HIV therapeutic vaccines arrived at AIDS 2022?

Fear and Hunger at AIDS 2022

At the first gathering of policymakers, activists, and clinicians since COVID-19, a precarious horizon of challenges, food insecurity, and famine, takes center stage.

Another Horseman

The intersection of COVID-19, HIV, TB, and malaria; international conflicts fueled by proxy fights leveling cities; as well as domestic political chasms continue to over-burden the world’s emergency response resources.