Come as You Are: Improving Care Engagement and Viral Load Suppression Among HIV Care Coordination Clients with Lower Mental Health Functioning, Unstable Housing, and Hard Drug Use

Irvine, M. K., Chamberlin, S. A., Robbins, R. S., Kulkarni, S. G., Robertson, M. M., & Nash, D. (2017). Come as You Are: Improving Care Engagement and Viral Load Suppression Among HIV Care Coordination Clients with Lower Mental Health Functioning, Unstable Housing, and Hard Drug Use. AIDS and Behavior, 21(6), 1572–1579.

  • The findings of this study suggest that there is a connection between support to address psychosocial barriers and greater improvement on indicators along the HIV continuum. The findings also aid as evidence to the role of Care Coordination in increasing health and survival opportunities among those who are at the highest risk for suboptimal HIV health outcomes.