Barriers and opportunities for the mental health of LGBT older adults and older people living with HIV: A systematic literature review

The study was conducted to review current literature regarding accessing mental health care among LGBT older adults and older PLWH. The results displayed a lack of provider competency in caring for LGBT patients, lower rates of insurance coverage, greater mental health burden, social and structural determinants of health, policy solutions, and technology and health literacy.

Aging With HIV Institute and Roundtable

This roundtable brought together experts living and aging with HIV (15 years or more) to review and reflect upon the current capacity and future constraints of the HIV and aging care and prevention services sectors, and the discrete needs that follow.

A Malawian Perspective on Aging and HIV/AIDS

Although we live in an aging population, attention is far from focused on those 50 or older when it comes to HIV/AIDS in Malawi. I’ve recently found myself asking, “What happens to older people when most medical interventions are directed towards younger populations?” I am Delroy White, a 2021 Community Solutions Program fellow from Malawi doing […]