Fatigue is associated with worse cognitive and everyday functioning in older persons with HIV

Fatigue is prevalent in people living with HIV and in older adults. Research has been associated with a wide range of psychosocial factors, including depression, anxiety, and poor quality of sleep, leading to overall poorer quality of life. Fatigue is also associated with comorbidities such as hypothyroidism, Hepatitis C, disease severity, and treatment status among PLWH. This study goes into detail about framing the relationship between fatigue, cognition, and everyday functioning in PLWH.

Monocytes in HIV and SIV Infection and Aging: Implications for Inflamm-Aging and Accelerated Aging

With ART and the extended lifespan of PLWH, HIV comorbidities also include aging—most likely due to accelerated aging—as well as cardiovascular, neurocognitive disorders, lung and kidney disease, and malignancies. The broad evidence suggests that HIV with ART is associated with accentuated aging and that the age-related comorbidities occur earlier, due in part to chronic immune activation, co-infections, and possibly the effects of ART alone.

HIV and Aging in the Era of ART and COVID-19

Our understanding of HIV/AIDS has been reframed in the recent past because the use of novel antiretroviral therapy has enabled clinicians and patients to control the progression of the disease.

How I Knew I Had HIV: Stories by Real People Living with HIV

Everyone’s experience is different, and that’s important because NO ONE symptom just shows up to indicate that you might have HIV. That is why getting tested is so important. In the beginning, it can be frightening, but these individuals overcame their fears and have triumphed.

Sister to Sister: Take Control of Your Health

HealthHIV is pleased to announce the launch of Sister to Sister: Take Control of Your Health, a course developed for clinic-based providers to empower women to reduce their risk for acquiring HIV. This blended course entails a 60-minute, self-paced eLearning module developed by HealthHIV followed by a live, in-person or virtual classroom session hosted by CAI.  Providers […]