ASO/CBO National Online Directory

HealthHIV ASO/CBO National Directory

What is the HealthHIV ASO/CBO National Online Directory?
The HealthHIV ASO/CBO National Online Directory provides consumers and organizations with a comprehensive, updated, national resource created by and for the community without commercial influence. The Directory assists organizations that provide HIV, HCV, and LGBT health services in identifying aligned AIDS Service Organizations (ASOs) and Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), finding relevant resources, and streamlining service delivery in their jurisdiction. The Directory will be updated in Spring 2023.

How do you use the Directory?
To locate organizations in your area, search by City or Zip code to find ASOs/CBOs in your exact city/zip code (Note: This tool does not provide a radius), and search by State abbreviation (e.g. AL, CA, TX) to find ASOs/CBOs in your state. If you would like to add your organization to the Directorycomplete and submit your information HERE.

Need more information about HealthHIV CBA or the Directory?
Contact Marissa Tonelli, Director of Health Systems Capacity Building, at [email protected] or 202-507-4731.

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HealthHIV offers a variety of capacity building and technical assistance services to ASOs/CBOs.

  • Three D HIV Prevention Program: Directing Comprehensive TA from Systems to Sustainability provides TA to enhance ASOs/CBOs ability to conduct enhanced data collection and analysis, make better-informed programmatic decisions, and improve delivery of quality HIV prevention services.
  • ASO/CBO Leadership InitiativeTM features the ASO/CBO Leadership Training & Certificate Program and the “Leadership Link & Learn” webinar series, which provide self-paced online learning opportunities for ASO/CBO leaders and emerging leaders.
  • Remaining Relevant in the New RealityTM is an ASO/CBO sustainability training that focuses on improving viability and scalability of HIV prevention and care services in a dynamic healthcare landscape.
  • Fiscal Health Professional Services provides services to ensure the fiscal sustainability and growth of organizations through building fiscal management capacity.