The Antiretroviral Treatment Access Study (ARTAS) is a strength-based case-management intervention to link recently-diagnosed HIV-positive persons to care and sustain them in care for more than a single visit. The case manager maintains a client-driven approach by (1) building an effective, working relationship with the client; (2) encouraging each client to identify and use his/her strengths, abilities, and skills to link to medical care and accomplish other goals; (3) meeting each client in the environment where he/she feels comfortable; (4) coordinating and linking each client to available community resources, both formal (e.g., housing agencies, food banks, accompanying to medical appointment) and informal (e.g., support groups) based on each client’s needs; and (5) advocating on each client’s behalf for medical care and other needed services. Working with the case manager, clients identify and address their needs and barriers to health care and develop a step-by- step plan to accomplish their goals using the ARTAS session plan.
- 1630 Connecticut Ave, NW, Suite 500, Washington D.C. 20009
- 202.232.6749
- 202.232.6750