Using a Multidisciplinary Approach to Improve Retention in HIV Care

A hospital-based clinic affiliated with the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania implemented a multidisciplinary approach to strengthen outreach to Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) clients and improve care retention. Clients served with the multidisciplinary approach had higher rates of retention in care.

Effective Data Storytelling for HIV Service Providers

Data storytelling is a powerful technique that uses narratives and visuals to communicate important data insights. From sharing program successes to applying for funding opportunities, how you talk about your program outcomes can make a world of difference.

RWHAP Provider Use of Regional HIEs to Find and Re-engage Patients in Care

“Office Hours” is a technical assistance platform that allows Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) recipient and provider staff to talk with their peers in an informal setting about specific technical challenges and solutions. These hour-long calls will include a short presentation by a RWHAP recipient or provider about their data management approach.

What is the HIV Care Continuum?

This resource from describes the HIV care continuum, a public health model that outlines the steps or stages that people with HIV go through from diagnosis to achieving and maintaining viral suppression through care and treatment.

Providing Gender-Affirming Care

Review of gender-affirming care issues, including key terminology, best practices in hormone therapy management, epidemiology of HIV in transgender populations, and strategies to improve HIV care and prevention in transgender communities.

ESCALATE Glossary of Terms

The purpose of the ESCALATE training program is to facilitate transformative and relational change in Ryan White HIV/AIDS Programs (RWHAP) and the communities they serve. This is a Glossary of commonly used terms under in the ESCALATE capacity-building initiative.