Learn about aging with HIV and care coordination through the lens of the physical, mental, behavioral, and clinical affects of living with and aging with HIV.
Mental Health, Psychosocial, and Supportive Services
Memory loss / neurocognitive decline, Substance use, PTSD, Social isolation, Social support, Diagnosed mental health condition(s)
- NAM aidsmap: A guide on cognitive impairment, dementia and HIV
- guidelines for prescribing antiretrovirals among people who have substance use disorder
- NAM aidsmap: An analysis of PTSD among people living with HIV
- i-base: A writeup on the impact of isolation and loneliness on older people living with HIV
- BMC: Research on social support, mental health needs, and HIV risk behaviors
- resource page on HIV and mental health
Behavioral Health
Prevention (PrEP use, condoms), STIs, HCV, HIV management (has HIV provider, etc.)
Clinical Health
High cholesterol, High blood pressure/hypertension, Joint or back pain, Arthritis, Neuropathy, Obesity, Anemia, Heart disease/cardiovascular problems, Diabetes mellitus, Hearing problems
- Infectious Disease Advisor: A resource brief for providers on HIV and dyslipidemia
- American Heart Association: Details the connection of high blood presure and HIV
- verywellhealth: highlighting the connection between HIV and pain
- verywellhealth: a consumer-facing article on the link between arthritis and pain
- Johns Hopkins University: a topic brief on HIV neuropathy
- a blog on obesity among people living with HIV
- NAM aidsmap: an article on blood conditions and HIV
- American Heart Association: Connecting cardiovascular health and HIV
- NAM aidsmap: a consumer-facing article on promoting health while managing diabetes and HIV
- American Academy of Audiology: a resource citing several studies on HIV and hearing loss