The three-part webinar series provides education on the importance of addressing HIV treatment resistance to people with hHIV and their caregivers. Series learning objectives are as follows:

  • Educate non-medical personnel who work with People with HIV (PWH) on HIV related treatment resistance and the health risks associated with low level viremia
  • Describe strategies and tools for non-medical personnel to educate and empower PWH to improve patient engage and self-efficacy
  • Equip non-medical personnel with strategies to identify PWH who are vulnerable and provide suggestions on how to link them to car.


October 28, 2020 at 2:00 PM EST


Intended Audiences
Patients and Care Coordinators 

Though scientific advances have significantly improved and simplified HIV treatment over the last three decades, HIV treatment resistance remains a concern for all people with HIV. Patients and care coordinators are invited to this free, dynamic, and innovative session on identifying and treating HIV resistance. Topics covered in this session include:


  • The Diversity of Patients and Treatments
  • Advances in HIV Treatment & the Determinants of HIV Resistance 
  • Understanding HIV Labs and Tests for Viral Resistance 
  • Viremia and Associated Health Risks 
  •  Improving Patient and Provider Communications 
  • Reading Lab Work and Reports 
  • The Determinants of HIV Resistance  
  • Alternative Treatment Options 
  • Empowering Patients with Health Care Engagement  


Please note that CEUs and CMEs are not offered for this webinar. This webinar is provided free of charge.Patients and HIV Care Coordinators


Learning Objectives

By the end of this webinar session, participants will be able to:


  • Better understand viremia and concepts related to viral resistance to HIV medications 
Describe available options for treatment of HIV resistance to medications
  • Identify ways to engage with your medical provider about treatment options for HIV resistance to medications



This webinar features presentations by:


Dr. David Hardy, who has cared for persons with HIV infection since 1982 and conducted research on HIV and related diseases since 1984.

Scott Bertani, HealthHIV’s Director of Advocacy for HealthHIV, will provide thoughts on HIV resistance from the highly treatment experienced patient’s perspective. 


[ Full title: HealthHIV’s Consumer Guide to Improving Care Coordination and Promoting Resilience: COVID-19 and Continuing HIV Care ]


November 10, 2020 at 2:00 PM EST


Intended Audiences
Non-medical professionals who work with people living with HIV


Participants will learn about how health outcomes can b improved for people with HIV by addressing co-occurring conditions. Not adequately addressing co-occurring conditions may lead to HIV treatment challenges and ultimately treatment resistance. Through the efforts of care coordination, non-medical professionals will hear from experts in the field who assist people with HIV to identify potential resources and care that supports holistic well-being. 


Please note that CEUs and CMEs are not offered for this webinar. This webinar is provided free of charge. 



Learning Objectives

By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:


  • Better understand viremia and concepts related to viral resistance to HIV medications 
Describe available options for treatment of HIV resistance to medications
  • Identify ways to engage with your medical provider about treatment options for HIV resistance to medications
  • Define resistance and treatment challenges for PWH
  • Educate others who work with PWH and HIV-related treatment resistance and the health risks associated with low-level viremia
  • Describe strategies and tools to educate and empower PWH that can improve patient engagement and self-efficacy. 



This webinar features presentations by:


Susan Hulse PA-C, University of Rochester’s AIDS Treatment Center, Physician Assistant 

Jennifer Cook, MPHACR Health, Director of Support Services 
Steve WoodACR Health, Director of Insurance Programs


January 7, 2021 at 2:00 PM EST

Intended Audiences
People Living with HIV and their Care Team


This webinar is primarily for people living with HIV (PLWH) , and will provide guidance on improving communications between patients and their care team to address HIV treatment resistance and adherence challenges. We will focus on the importance of building relationships and encouraging healthy communication within the care team and empowering patients to address adherence concerns with motivational interviewing techniques. Participants will hear presentations from community-advocates, a peer navigator, and a professional health educator. 

Please note that CEUs and CMEs are not offered for this webinar. This webinar is provided free of charge. 


Learning Objectives

By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Describe strategies and tools to educate and empower PLWH and improve patient engagement with their care team. 
Describe strategies and tools to engage PLWH with their care teams to address treatment adherence and resistance concerns
  • Utilize motivational interviewing strategies in conversations on HIV treatment adherence and resistance


This webinar features presentations by:


Daniel D. Driffin, MPH, D3 Consulting, LLC

Tez Anderson, Founder/Executive Director, Let’s Kick ASS-AIDS Survivor Syndrome 
Michelle Lopez, Healthy Aging Specialist, GMHC
Melissa Kelley, EdD, CHES, Senior Manager, Medical Education, HealthHIV