Integrating Frailty and Functional Outcomes into Clinical Trials
CROI Presentation: Considerations of frailty and functional outcomes for better integration and representation of aging patients in clinical trials.
HIV Clinical, Comorbid, and Social Determinants of Health are Linked with Brain Aging
CROI Presentation: Findings indicate that comorbid and social determinants of health are associated with brain ageing in people with HIV, alongside traditional HIV metrics such as viral load and CD4 cell count, suggesting the need for a broadened clinical perspective on healthy ageing with HIV, with additional focus on comorbidities, lifestyle changes, and social factors.
The Science of Aging: Lessons for HIV at the Interface of Commonality and Heterogeneity
CROI Presentation: Dr Kuchel said: ’20 years Difference between HIV + vs HIV- in this chart’ – “These things are Happening A lot Earlier for PWH than they should be, by 20 years. I would expect 80 year olds to have this level of syndromes, but these PWH are still 60 yrs old or younger.”
HIV and Aging: Double Stigma
HIV and ageism continue to be key public health challenges in the USA and globally. Older people living with HIV may experience intersectional stigma resulting from HIV and ageism. The current review summarizes the scientific literature and focuses on social isolation and lack of social support as key factors in experiencing HIV-related and aging-related stigma.
National HIV Curriculum: HIV in Older Adults
The shift of the HIV epidemic to increasingly involve older persons highlights several health care needs: (1) medical care systems with the capacity to provide clinical services for a large cohort of older persons with HIV, (2) active screening programs to detect HIV in older persons, and (3) implementation of strategies to prevent forward transmission of HIV from older persons.
Optimizing HIV Care for People Aging with HIV
The purpose of this reference guide is to identify commonly occurring health care and social needs of people aging with HIV and to highlight the screenings and assessments for these needs. This reference guide serves as a starting point for the health care team as it builds and expands its knowledge and practice of serving people aging with HIV.
Aging with HIV: Best Practices
A conversation with with Dr Katherine Promer, an infectious disease specialist at the University of California San Diego Medical Center, where she provides primary care to people with HIV about what clinicians need to know when working with and aging population of people living with HIV.
Older Adults with HIV/AIDS: A Growing Population
With its extensive experience providing services to meet the need of a growing, and increasingly diverse, population, ACL’s aging network plays an important role in the lives of older adults across the country. Armed with the array of programs funded by ACL to help older adults stay healthy, active and living in their communities, the network is helping support the healthy aging of people living with HIV.
ADAP Directory
One stop online resource center for ADAP resources information including better decision making for HIV related care, timely updates on HIV related medication, and assistance for advocates and medical staff.
The Affordable Care Act and HIV/AIDS
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides Americans—including those with and at risk for HIV—better access to health care coverage and more health insurance options. Here are just some of the ways the ACA has improved access to coverage for people with or at risk for HIV.