HealthHIV Remaining Relevant in the New Reality

ASO/CBO Organizational Development and Sustainability

The HealthHIV Remaining Relevant in the New Reality™ initiative is designed to address the significantly evolving capacity building needs of AIDS service organizations (ASOs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) resulting from implementation of health care reform, biomedical advances, national strategies, and federal/state funding re-alignments by strengthening organizational leadership, development, and sustainability. The initiative’s architecture creates a framework under which to offer ASO/CBO leadership training, ASO/CBO board leadership training, fiscal health training, as well as a library of ASO/CBO organizational development and sustainability resources.   Through leadership development, succession planning, and fiscal management, the Remaining Relevant in the New Reality initiative engages leaders to design a customized blueprint for organizational capacity and sustainability, culminating with the development of the next generation of ASO/CBO leaders and the sustainability of relevant and robust organizations. 

The Initiative at a Glance

The Remaining Relevant in the New Reality initiative includes:

HealthHIV ASO/CBO Leadership Training™

This program offers five, self-paced, online training modules for ASO/CBO leaders and emerging leaders to maintain and enhance the viability of ASO/CBOs to remain relevant in the dynamic healthcare environment. HealthHIV launched the first-of-its-kind HealthHIV ASO/CBO Leadership Training Program in 2016.

HealthHIV Board Leadership Training

HealthHIV Board Leadership Training (The BLT)™

HealthHIV launched the first-of-its-kind HealthHIV Board Leadership Training Program in 2017 as a resource for ASO/CBO board members to provide practical tools and resources to promote sustainability and model adaptation. It is essential for ASO/CBO board members to engage meaningfully in strategic thinking and organizational sustainability planning to enhance the viability of ASO/CBOs to remain relevant.

HealthHIV Fiscal Health Training

HealthHIV Fiscal Health Training

This program provides education, training, and technical assistance that addresses the fiscal sustainability of healthcare and social service organizations by building their fiscal and grants management capacity. HealthHIV’s Fiscal Health Training utilizes a diverse and culturally competent team of fiscal management experts to provide services through training and technical assistance on a fee-for service basis.

Training and Resource Library for ASO/CBO Organizational Development and Sustainability

Our library offers resources and templates for ongoing engagement such as board on-boarding checklists, board goals and tracking charts, meeting and retreat agendas, financial profiling worksheets, and sustainability and risk assessment tools.

HealthHIV Engagement Architects