Black Women and HIV: Empowerment through Engagement, Education, and Enrichment

Racism, poverty and lack of access to quality care significantly impact Black women’s health.

Higher rates of sexually transmitted infections (STls), lower rates of testing and higher rates of stigma continue to make Black women vulnerable to poorer health outcomes, including acquisition of HIV or STIs. As a traditionally marginalized group, and for many multi-layered reasons, educational and engagement opportunities and health data for and by Black women is limited.

HealthHIV, a premier national HIV nonprofit organization, and Howard University, a champion of Black women, are collaborating to conduct research, provide education, spark community engagement, and embrace the arts to create a path to empowerment. Our innovative project will improve the availability of data and develop creative health and wellbeing programming.

Wellness Chronicles

The “Wellness Chronicles” series features short videos with leading public health experts on all things HIV, STIs, and sexual health focusing on Black women and girls, and aims to empower viewers with knowledge for maintaining optimal health and well-being.

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Black Women and HIV: Empowerment through Engagement, Education and Enrichment (Empower), a Gilead P.A.C.E. Project, focuses on HIV and STI prevention and care for Black women. Join us for webinars, podcasts, blogs, arts opportunities, groups, mentoring, and more throughout the coming months.